The Devil’s Confession

I should stress that this is not another title to a song or a Hollywood movie (ever wonder why it’s called holly and wood?). Rather, this is an epilogue to the ultimate humanity crisis, especially for Muslims. As we all know, everyday in our life, we are in battle whether we realize it or not. A battle that is so mysterious that we cannot see the enemy nor can we physically deal with it. Nonetheless, the fact is that we’re under attack 24/7 from anywhere at anytime.  It’s a tough battle, with few survivors and heavy losses. This is one of the greatest threats to each and every Muslim. It’s the devil or Shaitan that we’re talking about here.  Yes, it is the creature that refused to prostrate upon our great-great-grand-father, Adam under the command of the One and only God. The creature that had swore to lead astray the kith and kin of Adam and the reality is, we’re one of them. Just found out? Welcome to the club! However, the majority of us still do not know or even realize of such an event occurring. We continue to lives as usual. There are many things for us to consider as we meander through the short time that we have being alive. There are some necessities to reflect on what we have done every day. This is indeed crucial because only then we would realize our weaknesses, the loopholes or the imperfections of ourselves. I cannot emphasize more on this point because we’re constantly attacked through the unheard sounds of whispering persuading us to do bad things.

We’re prone to make mistakes and to have shortcomings, but there’s always room for repentance. Often when we’re in the dilemma in making the right decisions about our life regardless of how important the decision is, upon us are two option. Good or bad. No such thing as a ‘so-so’ or being in the middle. Ever wonder why in the Quran (as the words of God) only mentions heaven and hell?  So make your choice. Our creator is calling us to obey Him and the devil is also calling us to do the same. But the amazing thing is we already knew the outcome of this. Not from some of the wise elders among us but from the devil’s confession!

And Shaitan (Satan) will say when the matter has been decided: "Verily, Allah promised you a promise of truth. And I too promised you, but I betrayed you. I had no authority over you except that I called you, so you responded to me. So blame me not, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor can you help me. I deny your former act in associating me (Satan) as a partner with Allah (by obeying me in the life of the world). Verily, there is a painful torment for the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.)." 14:22

With this fact embedded in the Quran, there are still many people that obey the Shaitan. Not merely by worshipping the devil in its physical state but anything that we utter, speak or do. It is all interconnected to possibly leading us astray from the right path if we didn’t stop, rethink and ponder upon what we have done previously in our life. Remember, every soul shall taste death and we only have one shot in this world to prove that the life that was given to us is fully utilized on obeying our one and only creator. With this, I hope that the essence of this article will benefit the writer himself and the one who read it. Wassalam

Muhammad Syahmi Md Nazir